I have literally just stuck my last little bit onto my final Masters entry piece and just wanted to tell somebody!!!!
So now I am off to make a roast beef sandwich and watch a movie in the lounge! Wish me luck guys, I have work really hard on my entries and I am so totally proud of the results. I promise as soon as I am able to post pics of my work for Masters I will, but it could be a short wait for that.
Have a happy Sunday,
Good luck Mel I hope you do really well.
Love Pam
Good luck with your Masters, how exciting!! I watched movies this arvo too (well, I watched some, and had a nap lol..)
Good Luck with the Masters, you are so talented and fingers X you do really really well.....you are a Master in my eyes already.
Love Caryl K
Good Luck Mel xxx - You will win with flying colours xxx
Glad you are having a relaxing holiday
Luv JEn xxx
did you let out a huge sigh when you finished, god knows I did.
Good Luck hun.
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